Timetable for our Show!


Saturday 7th September


Show opens 2pm



Barn Dance 8pm


Craft Fair is on Sunday 8th September

12 - 5pm




www.pottonshow.org.uk Logo

New for 2024








Quirky, fun colourful scarecrows to display on the Show field

-  A fun competition that families are encouraged to take part in!  Free entry (complete details on the show entry form to help us be aware of space required)



Dancing to The Brookfield Band,

with caller


8 - 11.30pm


Tickets @ £17.50 includes a chicken and chip supper

Bring your own drinks ; there is no bar



Tickets can be purchased from Potton Post Office,  Camerons Newsagents, or Tysoes hardware or from any committee member


No entry without a ticket - must be purchased in advance and presented on the evening.





Jan May, 19 Brook End, Potton, SG19 2QS

(Telephone – 01767 260413)


Claire Harwood  26 Chapman Close  Potton  SG19 2PL

(Telephone - 01767 261656)

Hotline for entries:  07734 297868


Pat Thwaites

01767 261016

Mel Taylor

Jane Le Sueur

07807 978304

01767  260193

John & Jan May

01767 260413

Robert & Jane Leonard

01767 260293

Pat Miles

 - -

Gill Massey

01767   261343

Lilian Jones

Tom Hammond

Rachael Lewis

01767   262145

07919  176995

- -


The Committee are very pleased to be able to hold our Annual Potton Show on Saturday 7th September 2024

Although the show in its current format started in 1973 - we know that there was a Horticultural Show as far back as 1914,  but this seems to have been abandoned for many years until some enthusiastic local people got together to set up a traditional show.



If you havent entered before and fancy having a go  it's easy!

Simply collect a yellow "show schedule" booklet from Potton Post Office, or Tysoes Hardware  or download here:  File: Potton-2024schedulefinal.pdf

Browse and select from the many classes and complete the entry form (in the booklet or HERE)    

Hand entry form and payment to Potton Post office no later than 5pm on Thursday 5th September.  or drop to St Mary's Hall that evening.

Bring and set up your entries at St Mary's Field on Friday 6th September before 9pm, or before 9.30 am on Saturday 7th.

Come down on Saturday 7th from 2pm to view the winners,  and collect your prize monies and awards!


The Hall & Marquee will be open to view the exhibits and prize winners from 2pm on Show Day.   (Cash entry £2)

* Please try to arrive on foot as there is only space for disabled parking at St Mary's - and limited spaces along at Potton Scout HQ on Hatley Road.  We are only a few minutes walk from either The Market Square,  or Henry Smith playing fields, via the Jubilee Path and Causeway to the Church Fields.


The presentation of prizes and awards will commence at 4pm 


Following completion of prize giving we will have a fun auction;  a great opportunity to bid on many exciting donated items including the prize-winners. Always a fun part of the day!


On the field we will have 2 displays by The Letchworth Morris Men  and also be entertained by local musicians playing - for one night ony - as Pot'Noodle!

This year for the first time we have a fun Scarecrow competition and children's bug hunt taking place.


We hope to see entries from competitors both old & new in the wide variety of classes as detailed in the schedule, which is available from Tysoes Hardware, Potton Library & Potton Post Office or can be downloaded here


Our AGM will be held in the Community Centre at Brook End Potton in November & we really would welcome your support as without it this event cannot take place - please look out for the date & come along!


We are always open to suggestions to keep the show going and relevant to local needs.


Thank you for your interest, we look forward to seeing you!









For any enquiries or to book a stall for your crafts,  please call Jane on 

01767 260293